Našou misiou je zdravie Vášho domáceho zvieraťa


Realizujeme našu ľudskosť, aby sme naplnili poslanie pomáhať zvieratám.


Zdravie Vašich miláčikov je pre nás na prvom mieste


Našim cieľom je ponúknuť profesionálne služby pre Vašich domácich miláčikov. Ponúkame osobitný prístup ku každému pacientovi na čo najvyššej úrovni.


At Salute, we offer a full-spectrum of gynecologic and reproductive health care services for women of all ages.


At Salute, we offer a full-spectrum of gynecologic and reproductive health care services for women of all ages.

Consultant Led Optimal Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans

As well as providing ultrasound scanning at different stages of pregnancy, we also offer a complete scanning package. This is an optimal screening and pregnancy ultrasound package provided by a Fetal Medicine consultant specialist and includes an early pregnancy scan at 10+ week together with the NIPT, full Anatomy scan at 20 -22 weeks and a Growth scan to check the baby is growing well at 32-34 weeks.

Оur Doctors

Náš tím

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Veterinárna ambulancia
(Ambulancia 4 nohých)

Námestie oceliarov 23
040 15 Šaca